Floristry Apprentice Winner Kathleen Horton National Australian Winner of the Oasis Designz Cup Competition

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The 2016 Oasis Design Cup Competition was themed a tribute to a painter. The Floristry Apprentice winner was Kathleen, who now works at Style by Nature in Port Melbourne. Kathleen was the winner of the Victorian Oasis Design Cup and was confirmed winner of the National Oasis Design Cup Winner for 2016. Kathleen won $1500.00 for her amazing design and winning both the Victorian and National Award.

Kathleen was inspired by Wassily Kandinsky’s 1923 “circles in a circle”. She emulated his work by cutting circles from different thicknesses of cardboard before covering them in wool and hanging them from fishing line. “A time consuming task but one that is effective.” said Kath

“I utilised most of the space that we were given. This gave me the opportunity to create a lot of depth within my design mirroring it so the back actually appears similar to the front with flowers and rings. I connected a ll focal areas so it was visually appealing from all angels and took your eye around the whole design.”

Kathleen covered her Oasis Form Frames Ring in moss and then bound it with a thicker wool so that it tied in with her other rings she had created. Pink gerberas, yellow calla lillies, umbrella fern, green trick, green anthuriums and their leaves were positioned to mimic the lines in Kandisksy’s original painting.

“Floristry…An art form that you can take in whatever direction you wish creating a bigger design like my piece, or creating that special bouquet for a bride on her day, or making that special tribute for a family’s love one. No matter what the occasion you can use your skills and when you put your mind  to it you’re capable of making anything” said Kathleen.

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The 2nd place floristry apprentice winner was Chevonne. “After visiting the beautiful island of Fiji last May and finding out the Oasis Cup theme was tribute to a painter I naturally though of all the wonderful paintings there and the colourful, tropical flowers that surround you. I’ve taken my inspiration from Island Flowers – Heliconia by the Fijian artist Maria Rova. The the three wreaths represent the circles in her painting and also create similarly flowing lines. I used colours, textures and of course tropical flowers to bring this design to life” Chevonne said.

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Third place winner was Lauren. Lauren enjoys the works of famous Sydney painter Ken Done. Snapdragons and Sinapore orchids helped to create line and movement throughout her design. She also used anthuriums and cymbidium orchards for a striking focal and cut up pieces of sandpaper before spraying them white to match the sails of the Opera House so often painting by Done. “I felt that the sand paper created great texture for the design and was a different medium of coverage,” said Lauren.

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A highly Commended went to National WorldSkills Gold Winner Liz. The painting of a dragon fly by Australian artist Pro Hart was inspirational for Liz. She included roses, ranunculus, molucca balm, sunflowrs, lotus leaves, spear grass, birch, anthuriums, flowering wattle, lotus and star pods to depict the insect. “In my design I used line as my main feature as this helps draw the eye from one end to the other. I also created depth by having spear grass go from the front of the design to the back over the Oasis Form Frames Ring which was covered in tin foil. It was then spray-painted with black and white marble paint,” explained Liz.

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Please read the next edition of Fresh Magazine for more information about the awards and amazing oasis floral products.
Please also visit: for more photos from the events in other states.

If you are interested in studying a floristry course please contact the College or click on this link.

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