Domain Names to Change the Game. Dot Florist

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Recently, I ran a session on web marketing with a client focus for the Australian Association of Floral Designers (AAFD). Today online clients can come from numerous social networks, a myriad of other webpage links but mainly clients come from Google. In my opinion many florists find web sites too difficult and very few have maximised their market. To those that have, well done. However, to those who have not yet here is your opportunity. Many florists advised that most of the good online real-estate has already gone. The mid 1980’s were great for many reasons and the first domain names were issued. I bought my first domain name back in high school. I have now owned hundreds but during April 2014 the game changed again, providing new opportunities for ambitious florists.

There are 22 existing top-level domain names such as .com. There are a further 200 domain names that identify countries such as for Australia. Today florists can purchase for approximately $30.00 a “.florist” domain name.

If today I traded under my family florists traditional business name of Marjorie Milner Florist, let’s say in Kew, Victoria, what domain name would I purchase? My preference is as this would outline to my prospective clients more about my business than If you are in the market for a new website perhaps try your suburb name instead of your business name. Ideally get both. We are not sure how Google Australia will promote “.florist” domain names yet. However, for the small investment I would not hold back from purchasing some great domain names. Now is your chance, but they won’t last long.

I will be working with the AAFD (Australian Association of Floral Designers) to push the AU domain register to endorse However, this is still a few years away. If you would like further information about this topic please email myself at my AAFD email:

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